Blog post #5
Twitter is an interesting place, and i think it could be used to facilitate collaboration if done in a healthy manner. I recently deleted it because i was spending too much time on social media, and it can be so time consuming. It's so easy to get stuck mindlessly scrolling through the TL, and in a way it is designed to do that. I find it is beneficial in communicating with others, but it is very detrimental to my mental health when i spend too much time on it. I'm not sure how it could be helpful in my future career, besides being able to relay my thoughts/writing ideas/poetry across to anyone who follows me. Other than that, I see it as largely a distraction if i'm not being mindful of my social media consumption.
The digital divide could make it harder for students from rural/low income backgrounds. With reduced access to Internet and technology overall, it is much harder to complete assignments and stay on track with school work that is largely reliant on technology to be successful. It also slows down the pace of the classroom, given that equal access to technology makes it easier for students to communicate not only with each other but with their teachers whenever they need help with assignments and studying. Some causes of the digital divide are increased internet infrastructure/attention in urban areas, lack of funding to low income areas, racism, classism, and gross mismanagement of funding. As a teacher, there will likely be students who dont have stable access to internet. I would be super accommodating to these students because I know times can be tough and having that teacher that really understands and is willing to meet you in the middle can make a worlds difference to a struggling students.
One academic software I would use is Canvas. It's relatively easy to access and can be implemented to assign stuff throughout an entire semester/year. I would be mindful of whether or not all students have the ability to access Canvas, though. Another software I would use is Adobe Creative Cloud, given that the school would have access to it. I would make a heavy plea for the school to purchase it since there is so much that can be done creatively such as photoshop, indesign, illustrator, premiere pro and much much more. I would use this to facilitate creativity and experimentation with designing and technology in the classroom.
Twitter can definitely be distracting. And I agree with you about its impact on mental health--especially with all that is happening right now!